AILANG Watch Industry is affiliated to Shenzhen Ai Lang Watch Industry Co., Ltd. A series of high-tech materials are used for product manufacturing, and Baidu's strict detection technology synchronized with the world makes the watch highly guaranteed. Quality decides everything Citizen's solar-powered satellite timepiece, time wing, and Japan's SeikoAstron series watches are calibrated according to GPS satellite time.


How to solve the problem of illegal stop and inaccuracy of mechanical watch

Release time:

Mechanical watch is a fine handicraft, it does not take any internal combustion engine, all rely on the ruler wheel to rotate, the wind provides the power to run, and to 24 hours a day non-stop uniform rotation. Fine arts and crafts will also have a lot of problems, such as stop and leave is one of them. If we want to solve this problem, we need to know why it is out of time.

First case: insufficient power storage

The manual mechanical watch needs to wind up every day to ensure that it goes on time. Without wind up, the watch will stop. Automatic mechanical watch should always be worn on the hand, if it is not worn for another day or too long, it will stop automatically. In addition, we should know that the accuracy of the mechanical watch is the best when the spring is full of strings. If you want your watch to be accurate, please make sure the spring is full, which is very important for an automatic watch. Because the tightness of automatic watch is directly related to wearing time and wearing action.

The second case: magnetization

There is a part in the watch called the hairspring, which is most afraid of the magnetic field. When the watch is close to the magnet, the hairspring will be magnetized. After the hairspring is magnetized, the hairspring will be stuck together, from the accuracy of image monitoring to the suspension. After the watch hairspring is magnetized, it is necessary to find a watch master degaussing instrument, and then the watch can return to normal.

The third situation: external factors

Mechanical watch is a very fine tool. When impacted, it may cause problems in gear structure and spring mechanism, which will affect the time.

Fourth situation: it may be maintenance

Under normal circumstances, in addition to routine maintenance, the watch will return to after-sales service for maintenance in about 3 years. If maintenance is not carried out for a long time, the surface mud will become dry, which will increase the wear of the movement, thus affecting the travel time.

So that everyone wears a different watch. Like cars, some cars have been running for years without problems, and some have leaked oil even before leaving the store. Therefore, if you encounter problems, you should return to the after-sales location for timely inspection to maintain the best condition of the watch. Keep a distance of more than one meter away from the watch. Don't put the watch beside TV, computer, radio, mobile phone, automatic mahjong table, refrigerator, washing machine, speaker, door, leather bag magnetic buckle.


Factory Address: South International, Zhanxi Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Clock city c0308
Cooperation Hotline: 132 2666 5999
1322 6665


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